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2017-01-02 Introduction to trading in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A. (Catalyst) bearer bonds issued by CAPITAL PARK S.A.

Please be informed that series H and I of bearer bonds issued by CAPITAL PARK S.A. had been introduced in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-01-02 Publication of the TBSP.Index value on January 2, 2017

Please be informed that due to the Fixing Rates were not set at the first Fixing Session for TS representing more than 25% of current capitalization of the Index portfolio , the Management Board of BondSpot S.A. decided not to publish the TBSP.Index opening value on January 2, 2017.

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2016-12-30 TBSP: 30 December 16 - Repo Market (T+0) - Cut off Time 11:45 AM

Please be informed that Trading Day Schedule for conditional (Repo) transaction, which are settled in T+O deadline on Treasury BondSpot Poland market will be changed on 30 December 16.

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2016-12-30 Suspension from trading bonds issued by BIOMED-LUBLIN WSiS S.A. in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot.

Please be informed that the resolution on the suspension from trading bonds series BML0818 marked PLBMDLB00026 issued by BIOMED-LUBLIN WSiS S.A. in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot was taken. Suspension is effective on 30 December 2016.

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2016-12-29 Suspension from trading bonds issued by BEST II NIESTANDARYZOWANY SEKURYTYZACYJNY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY ZAMKNIĘTY in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot.

Please be informed that on the issuer's request the resolution on the suspension from trading bonds series C marked PLBSTII00038 issued by BEST II NIESTANDARYZOWANY SEKURYTYZACYJNY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY ZAMKNIĘTY in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot was taken. Suspension is effective as of 3 January 2017 till 17 January 2017.

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2016-12-28 The first day of trading of bonds issued by HB REAVIS FINANCE PL 2 SP. Z O.O. in the Alternative Trading System was determined.

Please be informed that as of 29 December 2016 a series A of bearer bonds issued by HB REAVIS FINANCE PL 2 SP. Z O.O. will be traded in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2016-12-22 Introduction to trading in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A. (Catalyst) bearer bonds issued by HB REAVIS FINANCE PL 2 Sp. z o. o.

Please be informed that series A of bearer bonds issued by HB REAVIS FINANCE PL 2 Sp. z o. o. had been introduced in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2016-12-22 Reduction of the nominal value bonds issued by "BIOMED-LUBLIN" Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek S.A.

Please be informed that as of 23 December 2016 nominal value of one bond series BML0818 issued by "BIOMED-LUBLIN" Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek S.A. according to which transactions will be concluded in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A. for which the setelment date falls after establishing the right to partial repayment, will be reduced to pln 95,00.

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2016-12-22 The first day of trading of bonds issued by MAGELLAN S.A. in the Alternative Trading System was determined.

Please be informed that as of 28 December 2016 a series 6/2016 of bearer bonds issued by MAGELLAN S.A. will be traded in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2016-12-22 Withdrawal from trading bonds issued by Aero 2 Sp. z o.o. (formerly Midas S.A.) in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

Please be informed that due to redemption on 9 December2016 bonds series A issued by Aero 2 Sp. z o.o. (formerly Midas S.A.) marked PLNFI0900113 were withdrawn from trading in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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