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2017-02-17 Introduction to trading of T- bonds WS0447 on Treasury BondSpot Poland Market.

We are pleased to announce that new series of Treasury bonds WS0447 will be traded on Treasury BondSpot Poland Market as of 21 February 2017. T-bonds are indicated by the National Depository for Securities code PL0000109765.

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2017-02-15 Introduction to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A. mortgage bonds issued by mBank Hipoteczny S.A.

Please be informed that series HPE16 of mortgage bonds issued by mBank Hipoteczny S.A. as of 16 February 2017 will be introduced to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-02-13 Introduction to trading in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A. (Catalyst) bearer bonds issued by MAGELLAN S.A.

Please be informed that series 11/2013, 9/2014, 10/2014, 13/2014, 14/2014, 2/2015, 3/2015, 4/2015, 5/2015, 4/2016 and 5/2016 of bearer bonds issued by MAGELLAN S.A. had been introduced in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-02-13 Suspension from trading bonds issued by BANK OCHRONY ŚRODOWISKA S.A. in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot.

Please be informed that on the issuer's request the resolution on the suspension from trading bonds series G marked PLBOS0000100 issued by BANK OCHRONY ŚRODOWISKA S.A. in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot was taken. Suspension is effective as of 15 February 2017.

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2017-02-13 The first day of trading of bonds issued by ATAL S.A. in the Alternative Trading System was determined.

Please be informed that as of 15 February 2017 a series W of bearer bonds issued by ATAL S.A.will be traded in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-02-10 Admission to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A. mortgage bonds issued by MBANK HIPOTECZNY S.A.

Please be informed that series HPE16 of mortgage bonds issued by MBANK HIPOTECZNY S.A. had been admitted to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-02-09 Treasury BondSpot Poland - change of the category of membership ALIOR BANK S.A.

Please be informed that ALIOR BANK S.A. has changed the category of membership and will continue to trade on Treasury BondSpot Poland as Market Maker as of February 15, 2017.

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2017-02-08 Introduction to trading in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A. (Catalyst) bearer bonds issued by MURAPOL S.A.

Please be informed that series T and U of bearer bonds issued by MURAPOL S.A. had been introduced in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-02-07 Introduction to trading in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A. (Catalyst) bearer bonds issued by GETIN NOBLE BANK S.A.

Please be informed that series PP6-II of bearer bonds issued by GETIN NOBLE BANK S.A. had been introduced in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-02-03 Introduction to trading in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A. (Catalyst) bearer bonds issued by ATAL S.A.

Please be informed that series W of bearer bonds issued by ATAL S.A. had been introduced in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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