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Opening value:
Value: 1995.24
Change: +1.19 (+0.06%)
Closing value:
Value: 1996.32
Change: +2.27 (+0.11%)
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Treasury Bondpot Poland - changes of the market rules

Please be informed that Treasury BondSpot Poland Market Rules have been changed by the Management Board of BondSpot S.A.

The changes are associated with changes in fee schedule on the cash market for Market Makers and Market Takers.

The introduced changes include replacement of minimum transaction fee by monthly fee for participation in the Market. The changes in structure of transaction fees concern the transfer of transaction fees to the “Aggressor”.

The above mentioned changes will come into force as of January 1, 2017, if none of the Treasury BondSpot Poland participants objects to the shortening of the changes notification period until December 23, 2016.

For more information please contact:
Sales Department; +48 22 579 81 51; E-mail: ds@bondspot.pl