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TBS Poland: list of Primary Dealers in 2013
Please find below the list of Primary Dealers in 2013 on Treasury BondSpot Poland market:
1. Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
2. Bank Millennium S.A.
3. Bank PEKAO S.A.
4. Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.
5. Barclays Bank plc
6. BNP Paribas S.A.
7. BRE Bank S.A.
8. Deustche Bank Polska S.A.
9. Erste Group Bank AG
10. Goldman Sachs International
11. HSBC Bank plc
12. ING Bank Śląski S.A.
13. Kredyt Bank S.A.
14. PKO BP S.A.
15. Sociètè Gènèrale S.A. Oddział w Polsce
16. The Royal Bank of Scotland plc.