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2018-11-23 Suspension from trading bonds issued by PEKAO BANK HIPOTECZNY S.A. in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot.

Please be informed that Management Board of BondSpot S.A. took the resolution on the suspension from trading bonds seriesNPLZ-01 marked PLBPHHP00218 issued by PEKAO BANK HIPOTECZNY S.A. . in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot. Suspension is effective as of 28 November 2018 till 10 December 2018 (inclusive).

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2018-11-23 Termination of trading bonds issued by Murapol S.A. in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

Please be informed that due to redemption, bonds issued by Murapol S.A. series W marked PLMURPL00166 were withdrawn from trading in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2018-11-23 Termination of trading bonds issued by Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

Please be informed that due to redemption, bonds issued by Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. series D marked PLBOS0000076 were withdrawn from trading in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2018-11-20 Changes in Treasury BondSpot Poland Market Rules

Please be informed that Treasury BondSpot Poland Market Rules have been changed by the Management Board of BondSpot S.A.

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2018-11-19 Publication of the TBSP.Index opening value on October 18, 2018

Please be informed that due to the Fixing Rates were not set at the first Fixing Session for TS representing more than 25% of current capitalization of the Index portfolio , the Management Board of BondSpot S.A. decided not to publish the TBSP.Index opening value on November 19, 2018.

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2018-11-16 Introduction to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A. a new Treasury bonds series OK0521.

Please be informed that as of 20 November 2018 a new series OK0521 of Treasury bonds will be traded on the Regulated Market organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2018-11-16 Introduction to trading of T- bonds OK0521 on Treasury BondSpot Poland Market.

We are pleased to announce that new series of Treasury bonds OK0521 will be traded on Treasury BondSpot Poland Market as of 20 November 2018. T-bonds are indicated by the National Depository for Securities code PL0000111274.

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2018-11-15 The first day of trading of bonds issued by BENEFIT PARTNERS Sp. z o.o. in the Alternative Trading System was determined.

Please be informed that as of 20 November 2018 a series B and C of bearer bonds issued by BENEFIT PARTNERS Sp. z o.o. will be traded in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2018-11-15 Change of the nominal value bonds issued by J.W. Construction Holding S.A.

Please be informed that as of 16 November 2018 nominal value of one bond series JWC1120 issued by J.W. Construction Holding S.A. according to which transactions will be concluded in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A., will be reduced to pln 900.00.

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2018-11-13 Suspension from trading bonds issued by OT LOGISTICS S.A. in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot.

Please be informed that Management Board of BondSpot S.A. took the resolution on the suspension from trading bonds series D marked PLODRTS00074 issued by OT LOGISTICS S.A. in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot. Suspension is effective as of 14 November 2018.

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