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Opening value:
Value: 2003.84
Change: +0.69 (+0.03%)
Closing value:
Value: 2005.62
Change: +2.47 (+0.12%)
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2017-11-02 Introduction to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A. bonds issued by GMINA MIASTO PŁOCK.

Please be informed that series E13, H13, I13, J13, K13, L13, M13, N13, O13,P13, R13 and S13 of bearer bonds issued by GMINA MIASTO PŁOCK will be introduced as of 6 November 2017 to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-11-02 Introduction to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A. mortgage bonds issued by MBANK HIPOTECZNY S.A.

Please be informed that series HPA32 of mortgage bonds issued by MBANK HIPOTECZNY S.A. as of 6 November 2017 will be introduced to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-11-01 Treasury BondSpot Poland market will be closed on August 15, 2017

Please be informed, that Treasury BondSpot Poland will be CLOSED on the following days in November

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2017-10-31 Introduction to trading in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A. (Catalyst) bearer bonds issued by VICTORIA DOM S.A.

Please be informed that series G and H of bearer bonds issued by VICTORIA DOM S.A. had been introduced in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-10-31 Suspension from trading bonds issued by AMERICAN HEART OF POLAND S.A. in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot.

Please be informed that on the issuer's request the resolution on the suspension from trading bonds series I, marked PLAMRHP00042 issued by AMERICAN HEART OF POLAND S.A.in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot was taken. Suspension is effective as of 3 November 2017 till 16 November 2017 (inclusive).

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2017-10-31 Communiqué on the assimilation of bonds issued by CAPITAL PARK S.A.

Please be informed that as of 3 November 2017 bearer bonds series PLCPPRK00144 issued by CAPITAL PARK S.A. will be marked as PLCPPRK00136 (CAP0420).

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2017-10-31 Change of the nominal value bonds issued by Globe Trade Centre S.A.

Please be informed that as of 1 November 2017 nominal value of one bond series GTC0418 issued by Globe Trade Centre S.A. according to which transactions will be concluded in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A., will be reduced to pln 33 333,34.

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2017-10-26 Admission to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A. bonds issued by GMINA MIASTO PŁOCK

Please be informed that series E13, H13, I13, J13, K13, L13, M13, N13, O13,P13, R13 and S13 of bonds issued by GMINA MIASTO PŁOCK had been admitted to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-10-26 The first day of trading of bonds issued by MCI MANAGEMENT Sp. z o.o. in the Alternative Trading System was determined.

Please be informed that as of 30 October 2017 a series C of bearer bonds issued by MCI MANAGEMENT Sp. z o.o. will be traded in the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A.

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2017-10-26 Introduction to trading on the regulated market on Catalyst organized by BondSpot S.A. a new Treasury bonds series OK0720.

Please be informed that as of 30 October 2017 a new series OK0720 of Treasury bonds will be traded on the Regulated Market organized by BondSpot S.A.

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