Home pageTreasury BondSpot Poland®InstrumentsList of liquid bonds
Opening value:
Value: 1995.24
Change: +1.19 (+0.06%)
Closing value:
Value: 1996.32
Change: +2.27 (+0.11%)
see details >

List of bonds for which there is a liquid market

Waivers for non-equity instruments for pre-trade publication data according to article 8.1 MIFIR Regulation respectively Trade Registration Facility on cash market refer to:
- Bonds for which there is not a liquid market;
- Bonds for which there is a liquid market for orders that are large in scale compared with normal market size.

ESMA data from period 2024-01-01 - 2024-03-31 

Name ISIN Liquid market
OK0724 PL0000114021
PS1024 PL0000111720  
PS0425 PL0000112728  
WZ0525 PL0000111738  
DS0725 PL0000108197 X
OK1025 PL0000115283 X
WZ0126 PL0000108817 X
OK0426 PL0000116596  
DS0726 PL0000108866 X
PS1026 PL0000113460  
WZ1126 PL0000113130 X
PS0527 PL0000114393 X
DS0727 PL0000109427 X
WZ1127 PL0000114559 X
WS0428 PL0000107611 X
WZ0528 PL0000110383  
PS0728 PL0000115192 X
WZ1128 PL0000115697 X
WS0429 PL0000105391  X 
PS0729 PL0000116760  
DS1029 PL0000111498  
WZ1129 PL0000111928  
DS1030 PL0000112736 X
 WZ1131  PL0000113213  
DS0432 PL0000113783 X
WZ0533 PL0000115028  
DS1033 PL0000115291 X
DS1034 PL0000116851  
WS0437 PL0000104857  
WS0447 PL0000109765  
EUR0125 XS0479333311  
EUR0225 XS2114767457  
EUR0925 XS1288467605  
EUR0126 XS1346201616  
EUR0527 XS1209947271  
EUR1027 XS1584894650  
EUR1028 XS1508566392  
EUR1130 XS2726911931  
EUR0532 XS2447602793  
EUR0233 XS2586944659  
EUR0134 XS2746102479  X 
EUR0136 XS1346201889  
EUR0144 XS2746103014 X
EUR0243 XS2586944147 X
EUR1046 XS1508566558  

Key: x – bonds for which there is a liquid market according to ESMA database https://registers.esma.europa.eu/publication/searchRegister?core=esma_registers_fitrs_nonequities